Montag, 14. September 2009

Tesla Roadster on four teacups , plus ... Kevin & Nick Jonas

Tesla Roadster on four teacups, plus... Jonas Brothers

Some days our inboxes contain things we just didn't expect to ever see. Take, for example, the pictures in the gallery in this post. Apparently, this display, at the William Ashley China store in Toronto, is intended to "encourages consumers to rethink, reduce and re-use." Really?

What we certainly do see is a lightweight Roadster perched on four four Wedgwood teacups made of bone china, each of which is supporting 925 pounds, according to the signs (but that gives us a total of 3,700, which is more than the Roadster's curb weight of 2,723 lbs. UPDATE: As reader Tohe points out, the signs for the front cups say the weight there is 500 lbs, which does give us a total of 2,850, much more reasonable). The Roadster will be on display at the store on Bloor Street West through September 21st.

But the quirkiness doesn't end there. Just to spice things up a notch, two of the Jonas Brothers – Kevin and Nick – showed up at the store to give us a little something for the teenybopper crowd. We aim to please.

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