Sonntag, 29. November 2009
Freitag, 20. November 2009
Dienstag, 17. November 2009
Jonas Brothers Rock COLOGNE Germany
Pictures from Carolin, Nele, Julie, Kathi, Emily & Kimi: We waited about 1,5 hour for the Jonas Brothers to come onstage. It was so hot in the hall, there was no air and everyone was screaming. The venue was way too small for so many fans. Some girls even fainted BEFORE the concert started.
I was in the second row at first, then in the 5th and when the concert started I was in the 3rd again :D Before the JB came on stage they played Bounce.I was standing in front of Nick most of the time and he was all smiley :) Joe flirting with the camera under! Also, someone emailed in that people didn't believe Joe was looking for a wife, that clip is under too & press conference pictures!
Dienstag, 10. November 2009
Jonas Brothers On Zurich, 'Weird' Celibacy
Jonas Brothers talk about not going out and their 'weird' celibacy vow. New Myspace blog: Great news! We’re so happy to announce that Disney has picked up a second season ofJONAS” and Living the Dream! Special congrats to our co-stars, Chelsea Staub and Nicole Anderson.
We love working with you and can’t wait to make next year even better. Paul Hoen, one of our new Executive Producers, whom we’ve worked with for a while now on JONAS and Camp Rock 2, and of course Lester Lewis, our other Executive Producer.
We couldn’t be happier to get back to JONAS. So many of you have written us great comments all throughout season one telling us about all of your favorite episodes so this makes us even more excited about bringing you an awesome second season. We have so many great ideas and plans for what’s to come on the show that we just can’t wait to share them with all of you!
We’re so lucky to work with such an amazing cast and producers to make the very best show for all of you! We want the best for our fans because you’re the best fans in the world! Thanks to Disney for believing in us and JONAS enough to bring us back for a 2nd season. 2010 is going to be best year yet! We love you! Thanks for your support! JB Kevin, Joe and Nick
Sonntag, 8. November 2009
From Celina: I met Joe Jonas in Zurich outside of the Jonas Brothers' hotel. Joe came out in his gym clothing, so yeah, he probably went to the gym. There were just a few fans and we stayed calm while he was taking pictures with everyone.
He looked really sad and devastated, because they had to cancel the concert. He said 'I'm so sorry we had to cancel' Seriously he looked so sad. We waited until 9 PM because we thought that he might come back, but he didn't so we all left, because it was freezing cold. On a Zurich TV show under!
Samstag, 7. November 2009
Jonas Brothers Pesaro Pizza Boys + Concert Pics
From Nadia: The Jonas Brothers were in Pesaro on November 4 and they went to a famous restaurant in the historical centre of the city called 'C'era una volta' where they recorded some parts of a video in which they were waiters and chefs making pizza. After this, with their crew, they went to via del Carso, where the theatral company 'Il Carro dei Comici' takes place.
Joe, Nick and Kevin wore some funny masks and dresses of the company. First, they wore some costumes from 'Il Barbiere di Siviglia', then the ones from 'Pantalone e Colombina'. Then, wearing clothing of the Spanish army, they also acted out a battle. So they rehearsed and recorded for a couple of hours and then they went to their concert at the Adriatic Arena. Will this filming be used in a new music video? Concert pictures added!
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